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IE expressions ignore CSS media types

The problem occurs when you use Microsoft's proprietary CSS expressions

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Recommended music and video resources for webmasters, web designers and developers

Some web experiences can be enriched with a bit of animation, music or video

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Quick Embed Code to Add Comments To Any Site

An elegant solution to a common feature of the social web, commenting

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Blastfeed and the Future of RSS Filtering

Blastfeed is the latest in RSS filter products

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A comprehensive CSS tutorial for web developers

A comprehensive CSS tutorial for web developers has loads of information on CSS properties

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Fadtastic to discuss what the differences between SEO and SEM actually are

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BBC News on Accessibility

Short video from the BBC which has some nice real-world examples for web accessibility

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Stickis Launches Syndicated Web Annotator

Stickis does do the webpage "sticky note" annotation of these programs and so much more!

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